Sunday, October 23, 2005

Romania the beautiful...

WOW!!!! That's all I can say for now of Romania. It has been an amazing opportunity to visit this country, meet the extraordinary people that live here, the delicious food (not for vegetarian I have to precise...), the incredible landscape (rolling hills, snow covered mountain), etc....I have to admit that it is hard to find computers that are not turtle speed so our blog has been suffering a little, sorry about that! We will post pictures again when we can but I've been taking lots!! One thing that is crazy here is all the gypsies that are around begging for money. When we arrived in Sighisoara, a little medieval town stuck in the last century, we've been surrounded by them. They can be very insistant and annoying, tugging on your shirt for just have to shoo them away...sometime quite not nicely! Ah well, it's all part of the experience. We are often cheering to good fortune when we have a drink since our trip has been without misfortune so far. Hope it continues that way. We are staying away from any live poultry (market, poultry tranformation plants, droppings, etc)...especially the Danube delta where Bird Flu has been found so don't worry, we will be okay. Except from that, we are taking it quite easy, we actually treated ourselves to a nice meal yesterday with some wine (got to do it once in a while I guess) so now it's back to budget travelling! Lots of things are closed here on Monday so we might end up staying a little longer in Dracula's country to be able to see everything we want. We've seen Suceava, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Sighisoara and now Brasov so far and every city has been very different from one another, even if they are all in the same country! We are planning to get to Bulgaria then Turkey by the end of the week I believe. We'll see if that works! I think our favorite city so far has been Lviv in Ukraine for the small narrow streets, the untouched by tourism appearance to it (we were the only tourists there that we could see), and of course the outdoor music concert that happened to be there that week-end with some good Ukrainian Pop music! Anyway will stop for now and try to organize some picture is some kind of order so you guys don't get lost in translation...


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